

Picsello is a photography business management software offering booking, client galleries, coaching, and profit calculation. Features include two-way calendar sync, email automations, and smart pricing tools. Testimonials praise its impact on booking clients, managing galleries, and increasing profits. Sign up for Picsello today to elevate your photography business.

Feature 1: Client Booking
Feature 2: Email Automations
Feature 3: Beautiful Client Galleries

What is Picsello?

Picsello is a photography business management software that promises to revolutionize the way photographers run their businesses. With features like client booking, client photo galleries, business coaching, and a smart profit calculator, Picsello offers a one-stop solution for all your business needs. The online client scheduler helps you boost bookings and income by allowing you to set calendar availability for any timeframe. Say goodbye to overbooking with Picsello's two-way calendar sync, ensuring seamless coordination of your schedule across all platforms. The beautiful client galleries with unlimited storage make it easy for you to showcase your work and offer pro-quality products from WHCC directly to your clients. With built-in pressure-free sales tools and easy digital upsells, you'll never leave money on the table again. Picsello's email automations take the hassle out of client communication by putting tasks on autopilot. You can automate follow-ups, booking reminders, pre-shoot emails, invoices, contracts, and more, so you can focus on what you love - photography. The mobile-first design of Picsello allows you to run your business from anywhere, responding to inquiries, booking clients, sending invoices, and delivering galleries straight from your phone. Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned pro, Picsello's business coaching and mastermind sessions will provide you with expert advice and support to help you grow your business. Additionally, Picsello's smart profit calculator takes the guesswork out of setting prices, ensuring that your business is profitable and sustainable. With Picsello, you can set your goals and let the software help you achieve them with ease.

If you're tired of juggling multiple tools and platforms to manage your photography business, Picsello is the answer you've been looking for. With a focus on streamlining studio management, Picsello acts as your personal business assistant, helping you convert more leads and book more clients effortlessly. The integrated email automations ensure that you never miss an important communication with your clients, while the beautiful galleries and gallery products feature allows you to showcase and sell your work seamlessly. Picsello's mobile-first design lets you stay on top of your business from anywhere, making it easy to manage your clients, bookings, and finances on the go. The smart profit calculator is a game-changer for photographers who struggle with pricing, providing them with tools and resources to set sustainable prices and make informed decisions about their business. With Picsello, you not only get access to a powerful software solution but also a supportive community of photographers who are on the same journey as you. Don't let the overwhelm of running a photography business hold you back - sign up for Picsello today and start making more money doing what you love.

The testimonials speak for themselves - photographers who have used Picsello rave about the positive impact it has had on their businesses. From making it easier to book clients and manage galleries to increasing profits and streamlining communication, Picsello is truly an all-in-one solution for photographers of all levels. The online client scheduler and beautiful client galleries make it simple for photographers to showcase their work and attract new clients, while the email automations and mobile-first design ensure that you can stay connected with your clients no matter where you are. The Studio Manager feature acts as your personal assistant, helping you convert leads and book clients with ease. The Business Coaching and Mastermind sessions provide valuable insights and advice from industry experts, giving you the tools you need to succeed in a competitive market. If you're ready to take your photography business to the next level, Picsello is the software you need to get there. Sign up now and see the difference it can make in your business.

How to Use Picsello?

Step 1: Sign Up and Get Started
  • Visit Picsello's website (
  • Click on the 'Sign up' button located at the top right corner of the homepage.
  • Enter your email address and create a password.
  • Confirm your email address by clicking the verification link sent to your inbox.
  • Log in to your new Picsello account.
Step 2: Set Up Your Studio Manager
  • Navigate to the 'Studio Manager' section from the Picsello dashboard.
  • Enter your studio details, including name, address, and contact information.
  • Configure your business preferences such as working hours and appointment types.
  • Set up your Two-Way Calendar Sync to ensure your schedule is up-to-date across all platforms.
  • Save your settings.
Step 3: Create Client Bookings
  • Go to the 'Client Booking' section on Picsello.
  • Click 'Create New Booking' and fill in client details including name, email, and phone number.
  • Select the type of session, date, and time.
  • Review and finalize the booking details.
  • Send the booking confirmation to the client via Picsello’s integrated email system.
Step 4: Manage Client Galleries
  • Navigate to the 'Client Galleries' section in Picsello.
  • Click 'Create New Gallery' and upload your photos using the batch upload feature.
  • Organize photos into albums if necessary.
  • Set download permissions according to the client's purchases.
  • Use the Digital Upsells feature to allow clients additional purchase options.
Step 5: Utilize Email Automations
  • Go to the 'Email Automations' section from the Picsello dashboard.
  • Choose from the pre-written email templates or create your own.
  • Set triggers for when emails should be sent, such as booking confirmations, pre-shoot emails, and post-shoot follow-ups.
  • Customize the email content to match your brand's voice.
  • Activate the automation to ensure ongoing communication with clients without manual effort.
Step 6: Set Up and Use the Smart Profit Calculator™
  • Navigate to the 'Smart Profit Calculator™' section on Picsello.
  • Enter your business information including location, level of experience, and niche.
  • Input your current package details and session costs.
  • Utilize the calculator to receive suggested pricing to ensure profitability.
  • Save the pricing structure and integrate it into your booking process.
Step 7: Market Your Photography Business
  • Go to the 'Marketing Tools' section on Picsello.
  • Create promotional materials using the provided templates.
  • Share your upcoming events and sessions on your Picsello Public Profile, website, and customizable emails.
  • Use integrated social media sharing options to promote your business.
  • Monitor the performance of your marketing campaigns through the provided analytics.
Step 8: Access Business Coaching and Resources
  • Navigate to the 'Business Coaching' section on Picsello.
  • Browse through the available tips and advice from established industry professionals.
  • Join Picsello’s Business Mastermind for live sessions, classes, and community support.
  • Engage with other professional photographers in the private Facebook group.
  • Utilize the 'Next up' cards to guide you through your day-to-day business tasks.
Step 9: Run Your Business on the Go
  • Download and install the Picsello mobile app from your device’s app store.
  • Log in using your Picsello credentials.
  • Use the app to respond to client inquiries, book sessions, send invoices, and deliver galleries.
  • Access tools, tips, and resources directly from your mobile device.
  • Ensure seamless business operation regardless of your location.

Picsello Features

Feature 1: Client Booking

Client Booking is a crucial feature of Picsello that simplifies and streamlines the process of scheduling appointments and booking photography sessions. This feature allows photographers to easily manage their availability, proposals, contracts, and payments all in one place.

Function Detail

  • With Client Booking, photographers can create and book mini-sessions quickly and efficiently.
  • The streamlined process guides clients through each step, making it easy for them to view availability, sign contracts, and submit payments.
  • Two-Way Calendar Sync ensures seamless coordination of schedules across all platforms, eliminating the risk of overbooking.
  • Photographers can effortlessly advertise their upcoming events and sessions through their Picsello Public Profile, website, and customizable emails.

Feature 2: Email Automations

Email Automations is a powerful tool within Picsello that automates client communication, allowing photographers to maintain a professional image and save time on repetitive tasks. This feature enables photographers to send timely and personalized emails to clients without the need for manual intervention.

Function Detail

  • Email Automations automatically sends follow-ups to ghosted inquiries, booking reminders, pre-shoot emails, invoices, contracts, and follow-up emails.
  • Photographers can schedule emails for after the gallery is sent, ask for reviews, and plan their next shoot effortlessly.
  • The feature ensures that photographers always send the right email at the right time, enhancing client communication and engagement.

Feature 3: Beautiful Client Galleries

Beautiful Client Galleries is a standout feature of Picsello that provides photographers with a visually appealing and functional platform to showcase their work to clients. This feature offers unlimited gallery storage, pro-quality products from WHCC, and built-in sales tools to optimize the client viewing and purchasing experience.

Function Detail

  • Photographers can create stunning client galleries to display their photography portfolios and impress potential clients.
  • The feature allows for easy upload and download of multiple photos at once, saving time and effort for both photographers and clients.
  • Integrated pressure-free sales tools enable photographers to facilitate digital upsells and maximize profitability from gallery sales.

Picsello Frequently Asked Questions

What makes Picsello different from other photography business management software?

How can Picsello help me increase my bookings and income?

Can Picsello assist me in setting sustainable prices for my photography services?

How does Picsello support photographers in managing their business on the go?

What additional resources does Picsello offer to help photographers succeed?