OpenVC is a game-changing platform for tech founders to connect with investors, offering a no-fee model, AI-generated emails, and targeted investor search. With Premium membership, founders access powerful tools and a Fundraising Masterclass to secure investments. Website: OpenVC.

Free Fundraising CRM
AI-Powered Email Generator
Pitch Deck Analytics

What is OpenVC?

OpenVC is a revolutionary platform that is redefining the way tech founders connect with investors. With a database of over 5,000 investors, OpenVC offers a no-commission, no-subscription model that allows founders to reach out and engage with investors for free. The platform provides founders with advanced features like AI-generated emails, automatic follow-ups, and exclusive discounts on services like Airtable and Hubspot. OpenVC's Premium membership gives founders access to even more powerful tools to streamline their fundraising process and secure investments faster.

One of the key features of OpenVC is the ability for founders to search and filter investors based on various criteria like check size, stage of investment, geography, and investment thesis. This targeted approach helps founders reach out to the right investors and increase their chances of securing funding. OpenVC also offers a Fundraising Masterclass with 24 videos to guide founders through the fundraising process, from building a pitch deck to closing the deal. The platform's Pitch Deck Template and Unlimited Deck Reviews ensure that founders have all the tools they need to create a compelling pitch presentation.

In addition to its fundraising resources, OpenVC also provides valuable insights and thought leadership on topics like fundraising strategies, building the perfect investor list, and navigating the VC landscape. The platform's Wall of Love showcases testimonials from founders, investors, and industry professionals who have found success using OpenVC. Whether you're a first-time founder or an experienced entrepreneur, OpenVC offers a comprehensive suite of tools and resources to help you raise funds like a pro and take your startup to the next level.

How to Use OpenVC?

Step 1: Create an Account on OpenVC
  • Visit the OpenVC homepage at
  • Click on the 'Sign Up' button located at the top right corner of the page.
  • Complete the registration form by entering your name, email, and a secure password.
  • Agree to the terms and conditions and click 'Sign Up'.
  • Verify your email address by clicking on the verification link sent to your registered email.
Step 2: Set Up Your Profile
  • Log in to your OpenVC account using your registered email and password.
  • Navigate to 'My Profile' from the dashboard.
  • Fill in your profile information, including your startup details, location, and industry focus.
  • Upload a professional profile picture and your company logo.
  • Click 'Save' to update your profile.
Step 3: Search for Investors
  • Go to the 'Raise Funds' section from the main menu.
  • Use the search bar to filter investors by criteria such as geography, check size, stage of investment, or industry.
  • Refine your search further using premium filters, if available, to target less solicited investors or those with specific outreach preferences.
  • Browse through the list of investors that match your criteria.
Step 4: Reach Out to Investors
  • Select an investor from your search results to view their profile.
  • Review the investor’s thesis and preferred outreach method.
  • Click on 'Submit Deck' or choose the appropriate contact method (e.g., direct email, online form).
  • If using direct email, compose a personalized email or use OpenVC's AI-generated cold email template for outreach.
  • Send your pitch deck along with your email through OpenVC’s interface.
Step 5: Track Your Outreach
  • Navigate to the 'CRM' section within OpenVC to monitor your outreach efforts.
  • View the status of your submissions, including whether your pitch deck has been opened, and track replies from investors.
  • Use the CRM tools to schedule follow-ups and set reminders.
  • Utilize OpenVC’s automatic follow-up feature to ensure consistent communication with potential investors.
Step 6: Participate in Webinars and Masterclasses
  • Go to the 'Learn to Raise' section from the main menu.
  • Explore available webinars and masterclasses that provide fundraising guidance and strategies.
  • Register for a session that interests you by clicking 'Sign Up'.
  • Attend the sessions to gain valuable insights and tips on how to optimize your fundraising efforts through OpenVC.
Step 7: Leverage Premium Resources
  • Consider upgrading to OpenVC Premium for enhanced features.
  • Navigate to the 'Premium' section to review the benefits, such as AI-enhanced emails, unlimited deck reviews, and additional investor filters.
  • Click on 'Upgrade' and choose a subscription plan that suits your needs.
  • Complete the payment process to start using premium resources aimed at expediting your fundraising journey.
Step 8: Utilize OpenFlow and OpenMap for Additional Insights
  • Access 'OpenFlow' from the Resources menu to track your progress and receive actionable insights.
  • Use 'OpenMap' to understand the geographical distribution of investors and tailor your pitch accordingly.
  • Incorporate these insights into your outreach strategy to enhance your chances of securing funding through OpenVC.

OpenVC Features

Free Fundraising CRM

The Free Fundraising CRM on OpenVC is a powerful tool that allows tech founders to organize their investor outreach efforts seamlessly. It provides a centralized platform to track investor interactions, manage outreach campaigns, and schedule follow-ups.

Function Detail

  • Founder can input investor information, including contact details and investment preferences.
  • Founder can log interactions with investors, such as emails sent, responses received, and meeting notes.
  • Founder can set reminders for follow-ups and keep track of the progress of each investor relationship.

AI-Powered Email Generator

The AI-Powered Email Generator on OpenVC is a cutting-edge tool that helps founders craft compelling cold emails to reach out to investors effectively. It leverages artificial intelligence to generate personalized and engaging email content.

Function Detail

  • Founder can input basic information about their startup and the target investor.
  • The AI algorithm analyzes the data and generates a customized email template.
  • Founder can further customize the generated email template to add a personal touch before sending.

Pitch Deck Analytics

Pitch Deck Analytics on OpenVC is a feature that allows founders to gain valuable insights into how investors engage with their pitch decks. It provides data on deck views, time spent per slide, and interactions with the deck.

Function Detail

  • Founder can upload their pitch deck to the platform for analysis.
  • The system tracks when investors view the deck, how long they spend on each slide, and which slides they focus on.
  • Founder can access detailed analytics on viewer engagement to optimize their pitch deck for better results.

OpenVC Pricing

  • Free

    Unlimited access to essential fundraising features


    Get Started
    Arrow Right

    Unlimited investor search

    Unlimited deck sharing

    Unlimited deck analytics

    Unlimited CRM

    Unlimited team members

    Investor open rates

    Fundraising webinars

    Fundability test

  • Premium

    Advanced features to raise better and faster

    $99/month or $288/year

    Get Started
    Arrow Right

    5x more outreach

    10 investor filters

    AI-enhanced emails

    Automatic follow-up

    $2,000,000 discount on services

    Fundraising masterclass

    Pitch deck template

    Unlimited deck reviews

OpenVC Frequently Asked Questions

What is OpenVC?

How does OpenVC work for founders?

How does OpenVC work for investors?

Is OpenVC really free?

Who is behind OpenVC?

How can I get in touch with OpenVC?

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