Cooby is a powerful tool that integrates with CRM systems like HubSpot and Salesforce to enhance communication and productivity on WhatsApp. It offers features like broadcasting messages, organized inbox, and customizable templates, praised by top companies worldwide.

Feature 1: CoobySync WhatsApp to CRM
Feature 2: Communicate at Scale with Cooby
Feature 3: Organize Your Inbox with Cooby

What is Cooby?

Cooby is a powerful tool that allows you to sync WhatsApp conversations with your CRM, such as HubSpot and Salesforce. With Cooby, you can seamlessly view and edit CRM information right from WhatsApp, enhancing communication and productivity. The integrations with over 1000 work apps via Zapier and webhooks make Cooby a versatile and customizable solution for businesses of all sizes.

One of the standout features of Cooby is its ability to help you communicate at scale by broadcasting messages to multiple chats, creating message templates, and importing/exporting a large number of contacts with ease. Its organized inbox feature, including Close, Snooze, and Archive chat functions, ensures you never miss a message and achieve Inbox Zero effortlessly. By bringing your CRM into WhatsApp, Cooby streamlines your workflow and boosts efficiency.

Cooby has garnered rave reviews from top companies and professionals worldwide for its convenience, efficiency, and organization. Users praise its impact on customer engagement, conversion rates, and overall productivity. The customizable and privacy-safe integration with HubSpot and Salesforce, combined with features like message filters, bulk contact management, and personalized message templates, make Cooby a must-have tool for founders, consultants, account managers, and business owners looking to supercharge their WhatsApp communication.

How to Use Cooby?

Step 1: Install Cooby and Connect WhatsApp
  • Visit Cooby's official website.
  • Click on 'Get Started' or 'Install Cooby'.
  • Follow the prompts to add the Cooby extension to your browser.
  • Open WhatsApp Web in your browser.
  • Scan the QR code using your WhatsApp mobile app to connect your account with WhatsApp Web.
Step 2: Sync WhatsApp with Your CRM
  • Log in to Cooby from your browser.
  • Navigate to the integration section in Cooby.
  • Select either HubSpot, Salesforce, or Zapier integration.
  • Follow the instructions to authorize and connect your CRM with Cooby.
  • Set up auto-sync controls for contacts, companies, deals, and tickets.
Step 3: Organize Your WhatsApp Inbox
  • Open Cooby and go to the 'Inbox' tab.
  • Use built-in tabs like Unread, Awaiting Reply, and Mentions to sort your messages.
  • Create custom tabs for more specific workflows.
  • Use the 'Close', 'Snooze', and 'Archive' features to manage your inbox and aim for Inbox Zero.
Step 4: Utilize Advanced Messaging Features
  • Create and save message templates in Cooby for repetitive tasks.
  • Broadcast messages to multiple contacts at once.
  • Send messages to unsaved contacts directly from Cooby.
  • Import and export large numbers of contacts via CSV files.
Step 5: Manage CRM Actions from WhatsApp
  • Open WhatsApp Web with Cooby installed.
  • While in a conversation, view and edit CRM contact information directly beside the chat window.
  • Create deals, tickets, and tasks in your CRM directly from the WhatsApp chat.
Step 6: Monitor and Maintain Productivity
  • Set up reminders for important chats using Cooby.
  • Take notes within Cooby for future reference.
  • Schedule events and share live chats from within the Cooby dashboard.
Step 7: Enable Team Collaboration
  • Upgrade to Cooby's Teams plan for multi-user access.
  • Sync your team's WhatsApp messages and contacts to a centralized CRM database.
  • Customize user roles and management settings for better team coordination.
Step 8: Fine-tune Your Cooby Settings
  • Access the settings menu in Cooby.
  • Enable or disable notifications based on your preferences.
  • Customize your inbox view and sync settings for optimal performance.
Step 9: Leverage Analytics and Reports
  • Navigate to the analytics section in Cooby's dashboard.
  • Review detailed reports on conversation metrics and CRM integrations.
  • Use the insights to strategize and improve your customer engagement.

Cooby Features

Feature 1: CoobySync WhatsApp to CRM

CoobySync WhatsApp to CRM is a powerful feature that allows users to seamlessly integrate their WhatsApp conversations with popular CRM platforms like HubSpot and Salesforce. By syncing WhatsApp data directly into the CRM, users can access and manage customer information right from their WhatsApp inbox.

Function Detail

  • Users can sync conversational data from WhatsApp to their CRM system, ensuring that all customer interactions are captured and stored in one central location.
  • The integration is fully customizable and privacy-safe, allowing users to maintain data confidentiality and security.
  • Users can view and edit CRM contact information directly from WhatsApp, making it easy to create deals, tickets, and tasks without switching between multiple platforms.
  • Create deals, tickets, and tasks in the CRM system directly from WhatsApp, streamlining the workflow and improving efficiency.

Feature 2: Communicate at Scale with Cooby

Cooby enables users to communicate at scale by offering features that simplify and streamline messaging processes on WhatsApp. Users can broadcast messages to multiple chats, create message templates, and import/export contacts in bulk with just a few clicks.

Function Detail

  • Easily broadcast messages to multiple chats at once, saving time and effort when reaching out to a large audience.
  • Create message templates to personalize and speed up communication with customers, ensuring consistency and efficiency.
  • Import and export contacts in bulk via CSV, making it simple to manage and organize a large number of contacts efficiently.
  • Communicate more effectively with customers by leveraging features that enhance scalability and engagement on WhatsApp.

Feature 3: Organize Your Inbox with Cooby

Cooby offers inbox organization features that help users achieve Inbox Zero and stay on top of their WhatsApp conversations. With tools like Close, Snooze, and Archive, users can manage chats effectively and never miss a message again.

Function Detail

  • Utilize Close, Snooze, and Archive features to manage chats efficiently and stay organized within the inbox.
  • Group chats into tabs for easy navigation and quick access to different conversation threads.
  • Use tabs like Unread, Awaiting Reply, and Mentions to categorize and prioritize conversations, ensuring important messages are addressed promptly.
  • Achieve Inbox Zero by implementing Cooby's inbox organization tools and staying on top of customer communications.

Cooby Pricing

  • Starter

    Monthly plan for individuals or small teams looking to enhance their WhatsApp productivity.


    Get Started
    Arrow Right

    6,000 synced messages/user/month

    Auto/manual sync messages

    WhatsApp group chats

    Auto-sync controls by contact

    Sync messages to companies/deals/tickets

    Create & edit contacts

    Create tasks & notes

    Create tickets & deals

    Inbox Zero



    Salesforce integration

    Zapier integration

    Webhook integration

  • Growth

    Monthly plan for growing teams that need to sync more messages and utilize advanced integrations.


    Get Started
    Arrow Right

    10,000 synced messages/user/month

    Auto/manual sync messages

    WhatsApp group chats

    Auto-sync controls by contact

    Sync messages to companies/deals/tickets

    Create & edit contacts

    Create tasks & notes

    Create tickets & deals

    Inbox Zero



    Salesforce integration

    Zapier integration

    Webhook integration

  • Custom

    Tailored solution to meet all enterprise needs. Contact sales for detailed pricing information.

    Contact Sales

    Get Started
    Arrow Right

    Unlimited synced messages/user/month

    Auto/manual sync messages

    WhatsApp group chats

    Auto-sync controls by contact

    Sync messages to companies/deals/tickets

    Create & edit contacts

    Create tasks & notes

    Create tickets & deals

    Inbox Zero



    Salesforce integration

    Zapier integration

    Webhook integration

  • Cooby Extension Free

    Free plan for those who are looking to effortlessly sort their inboxes.


    Get Started
    Arrow Right

    All system tabs

    3 custom tabs

    3 templates

    10 reminders/month

    5 notes/month

    5 scheduled events/month

    5 shared conversations/month

  • Cooby Extension Pro

    For WhatsApp-reliant people who want to supercharge and customize their inboxes completely.


    Get Started
    Arrow Right

    All system tabs

    Unlimited custom tabs

    Unlimited templates

    Unlimited reminders

    Unlimited notes

    Unlimited scheduled events

    Unlimited shared conversations

  • Cooby Teams

    For teams looking to sync their WhatsApp contacts and conversations into their CRMs for a centralized customer database.

    $17.99/month (up to 3 users)

    Get Started
    Arrow Right

    Includes Cooby Extension Pro

    CRM Integration: HubSpot or Salesforce

    Premium Support

    Prioritized feature requests

    Unread automated tab

    Awaiting Reply automated tab

    Needs Reply automated tab

    Sort and organize your WhatsApp inbox

Cooby Frequently Asked Questions

What is Cooby?

How can Cooby help me in my day-to-day work?

What are some of the key features of Cooby?

Can I customize my WhatsApp inbox with Cooby?

How does Cooby ensure privacy and data security?

What are some testimonials from Cooby users?