

Bloomerang is a donor management and fundraising software for nonprofits, providing a user-friendly CRM system, seamless online fundraising, volunteer management, and best-in-class payment processing solutions. It helps organizations build relationships, increase donations, and create lasting impact worldwide.

Donor Database: CRM for Nonprofits
Fundraising Tools: Modern Giving Solutions
Volunteer Management: Inspiring Experiences
Marketing & Engagement: Growing Donor Network

What is Bloomerang?

Bloomerang is a donor management and fundraising software designed specifically for nonprofits. With Bloomerang, nonprofits can track donor data, manage fundraising campaigns, and engage with volunteers all in one place. The user-friendly CRM system helps organizations build and nurture relationships with donors, ultimately leading to increased donations and lasting impact.

One of the key features of Bloomerang is its ability to provide a seamless online fundraising experience for donors. Nonprofits can easily create fundraising campaigns, accept online donations, and empower supporters to raise money for their cause. By using Bloomerang's fundraising tools, organizations can double their annual fund revenue and increase donor retention rates significantly.

Moreover, Bloomerang offers volunteer management capabilities, allowing nonprofits to nurture relationships with both donors and volunteers. By integrating volunteer profiles into the system, organizations can save time and keep all constituent information in one place. This streamlined approach helps convert volunteers into donors and donors into volunteers, creating a more engaged and supportive community.

In addition, Bloomerang provides best-in-class payment processing solutions for nonprofits. By processing payments directly through the platform, organizations can offer donors a better giving experience, lower fees, and receive superior support. With Bloomerang, nonprofits can generate significant revenue through online payments, making fundraising easier and more efficient.

Overall, Bloomerang is a game-changer for nonprofits looking to streamline their donor management and fundraising efforts. The platform helps organizations build better relationships with donors, secure more donations, and create lasting change in their communities. With a strong focus on donor retention and engagement, Bloomerang is a trusted solution for over 23,000 nonprofits worldwide.

How to Use Bloomerang?

Step 1: Setting Up Your Account
  • Visit the Bloomerang website at
  • Click on the 'Request a Demo' button or 'Login' if you already have an account.
  • Follow the prompts to set up your organization’s profile and initial settings.
Step 2: Navigating the Bloomerang Dashboard
  • Once logged in, you'll be directed to the Bloomerang dashboard.
  • Familiarize yourself with the dashboard, which shows key metrics such as donor retention rates and recent donations.
  • Use the navigation menu on the left to access different features like Donor Management and Fundraising Tools.
Step 3: Managing Donor Database
  • From the dashboard, select 'Donor Database' to access your CRM.
  • Use the 'Add Donor' button to manually enter new donor information including contact details and donation history.
  • Edit existing donor profiles by clicking on a donor’s name and updating their information as needed.
Step 4: Using Fundraising Tools
  • Navigate to 'Fundraising Tools' from the main menu.
  • Create new fundraising campaigns by clicking on 'New Campaign' and fill in details such as campaign name, goal amount, and duration.
  • Use the available templates to design effective campaign pages and share them with your donors.
Step 5: Volunteer Management
  • Click on 'Volunteer Management' from the navigation menu.
  • Add and manage volunteer profiles similarly to donor profiles.
  • Sync volunteer data with donor data to create a unified profile for each individual.
Step 6: Tracking Membership Data
  • Select 'Membership Management' from the dashboard menu.
  • Create and manage memberships, ensuring that donor and member data are synchronized.
  • Monitor membership renewals and send automated reminders to members for renewals.
Step 7: Marketing & Engagement
  • Navigate to 'Marketing & Engagement' on Bloomerang.
  • Create email marketing campaigns using built-in templates and schedule them for automated delivery.
  • Use social media integrations to share campaigns and engage with your donor network.
Step 8: Generating Reports & Analytics
  • Click on 'Reporting & Analytics' from the menu.
  • Select the type of report you wish to generate, such as donation summaries or campaign performance.
  • Customize the report parameters and generate your report to gain insights into your fundraising activities.
Step 9: Data Management
  • Go to 'Data Management' in the Bloomerang dashboard.
  • Upload bulk donor information through CSV imports or manually update individual records.
  • Use data filters to sort and view specific segments of your donor base.
Step 10: Using the Mobile App
  • Download the Bloomerang mobile app from the App Store or Google Play Store.
  • Log in with your Bloomerang account credentials.
  • Access key features such as donor management and fundraising tools directly from your mobile device.
Step 11: Exploring Integrations
  • Navigate to 'Integrations' on the Bloomerang dashboard.
  • Browse available third-party integrations to connect Bloomerang with other tools like email services and accounting software.
  • Follow the prompts to sync and manage your integrations.
Step 12: Utilizing Professional Services & Support
  • Click on 'Professional Services & Support' from the menu.
  • Explore available resources such as consultancy services, training, and technical support.
  • Use available documentation and support channels to resolve any issues or questions you may have.

Bloomerang Features

Donor Database: CRM for Nonprofits

The Donor Database feature in Bloomerang is a powerful Customer Relationship Management (CRM) tool designed specifically for nonprofits. It allows organizations to efficiently manage and organize donor data for better engagement and fundraising efforts.

Function Detail

  • With the Donor Database feature, users can input and store donor information such as contact details, donation history, communication preferences, and interactions.
  • Users can track donor engagement, set reminders for follow-ups, and segment donors based on various criteria for targeted communication.
  • The feature enables users to generate reports on donor trends, giving history, and campaign performance for data-driven decision-making.
  • It also offers integrations with other tools and services to streamline processes and enhance donor management.

Fundraising Tools: Modern Giving Solutions

Bloomerang's Fundraising Tools offer modern and innovative solutions to drive impact and raise funds for nonprofits. From online giving to campaign management, this feature is designed to streamline the fundraising process.

Function Detail

  • Users can create customizable donation forms, peer-to-peer fundraising pages, and crowdfunding campaigns to engage donors and supporters.
  • The tool enables organizations to set fundraising goals, track progress, and send donation acknowledgments and receipts automatically.
  • Users can leverage automation features for donor stewardship, event fundraising, and donor segmentation to maximize fundraising efforts.
  • The feature also provides built-in integrations with payment processors for secure and seamless transactions.

Volunteer Management: Inspiring Experiences

Bloomerang's Volunteer Management feature is designed to inspire and engage volunteers, turning them into active supporters and donors for nonprofits. It offers a comprehensive solution for organizations to manage volunteer activities and relationships effectively.

Function Detail

  • Users can create volunteer opportunities, recruit volunteers, and track volunteer hours and activities through the platform.
  • The feature allows for volunteer communication, scheduling, and coordination to ensure seamless volunteer experiences.
  • Users can convert volunteers into donors by integrating volunteer data with donor profiles for targeted engagement.
  • The Volunteer Management feature also provides reporting tools to analyze volunteer impact, engagement, and retention.

Marketing & Engagement: Growing Donor Network

The Marketing & Engagement feature in Bloomerang is designed to help nonprofits reach out and grow their donor network effectively. From email campaigns to social media integration, this feature offers tools to enhance donor communication and engagement.

Function Detail

  • Users can create personalized email campaigns, newsletters, and appeals to communicate with donors and supporters.
  • The feature provides segmentation options to target specific donor groups based on interests, giving history, and engagement levels.
  • Users can track email performance, open rates, and click-through rates to optimize campaign strategies for better engagement.
  • The Marketing & Engagement feature also allows for social media integration and online engagement to expand reach and visibility.

Bloomerang Frequently Asked Questions

What is Bloomerang?

How can Bloomerang help nonprofits?

How does Bloomerang support donor management?

What are the benefits of using Bloomerang for fundraising?

How does Bloomerang simplify volunteer management?

What advantages does Bloomerang offer for payment processing?

Why do thousands of organizations trust Bloomerang?

What do consultants say about using Bloomerang?